I am starting a new Building Healthy Relationships training group on Monday evenings beginning April 25, 2011. The group will meet from 7:00 until 9:00 and will run for eight weeks taking a break for Memorial Day and ending June 20.
What is it for?
For all of us, the most precious aspect of our lives is our relationships with others. Spouse, children, parents, family…these are the things that matter most to us. As important as our health may be to us, study after study has shown that having quality relationships lowers blood pressure, lowers cortisol (a hormone associated with stress), and stabilizes blood sugar, which results in slower aging and longer life.
While relationships are precious and we all have them, some people are better at forming deep and durable relationships than are others. There are skills we can learn to help us make better choices in our significant relationships.
Who is it for?
While the Building Healthy Relationships material is valuable for everyone, our experience is that one learns it best when in a supportive and safe group. One important aspect of such a group is that it be one in which each member feels they have a lot in common with the other members. In this case all of the group members will be professional men. If you are interested in the training but do not identify yourself this way, just let us know and we will try to find a group that will work for you.
How can I learn more?
The first step is to attend a free introduction which is offered on the second Sunday of each month. The next one is April 10 from 6:30 – 8:30. To register simply follow the links on the web site at www.CreativeConflictResolution.org/bhr/ or go directly to the event page at http://www.trumba.com/calendars/cccr?trumbaEmbed=eventid%3D90677611%26view%3Devent%26-childview%3D and click the words Sign Up.
If you are not able to attend the Sunday evening preview and want to learn more or join the group, just contact me at 314-853-9385 (mobile) or at MLRobinson@charter.net.
Dr. Mark Lee Robinson
Center for Creative Conflict Resolution
1 comment:
Pleasant Post. This post helped me in my college assignment. Thnaks Alot
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